Receive a free quote for species-specific analyzes by filling in the details below. If you would like to receive a quote for metabarcoding analysis or if you have any questions about our other products or services, please contact us.

    Your name:

    Company name:



    Sample information:

    Number of samples:

    Sample type:


    Analyse type:


    Do you already have sample sets?:

    * Quantitative analyzes are especially suitable for micro-organisms and less suitable for eDNA analysis of higher organisms.

    Species information
    Up to 5 species can be analysed with only one sample. The list with species that can be analysed can be found here. Please fill in which species you want to be analysed:

    Species 1:

    Species 2:

    Species 3:

    Species 4:

    Species 5:

    Additional information:
    If you have any additional information or a question, pleas fill in here:

    Additional information: