Sylphium molecular ecology has a wide range of fully validated species-specific eDNA qPCR assays for detection of both aquatic and terrestrial organisms. The eDNA assays offer the ability to demonstrate with very high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility, the DNA of different organisms in water samples, feces and soil samples.

Sylphium’s analyses are validated, published and performed according to strict rules established on the basis of NPR 7394 (General principles in quality assurance of molecular biology research for microorganisms and environmental DNA). The results are delivered in a clear report, which also includes all checks and validations of the analysis method (Sample analysis report). Prices and analysis times can be found here.
The table below shows for which organisms species-specific eDNA qPCR tests are now available. The list will be further expanded in the future. The species-specific eDNA qPCR assays offered are fully validated. A number of species are listed as “In development.” These are not yet fully validated. In many cases, field validation is then missing. Should there be interest in 1 of these species, the validation process can be accelerated with possible help from the client, so that the test can still be offered.
Species | English name | Status | Available as a kit |
Alburnus alburnus | Common bleak | In development | – |
Alexandromys oeconomus | Tundra vole | Validated | SYL109 |
Anatoxine toxine gene cluster | Anatoxine toxine gene cluster | Validated | SYL122 |
Anguilla anguilla | Eel | Validated | SYL135 |
Anisus vorticulus | Lesser ramshorn snail | Validated | SYL128 |
Aeshna viridis | Green hawker | Validated | SYL130 |
Barbatula barbatula | Stone loach | In development | – |
Cobitis taenia | Spined loach | In development | – |
Cottus perifretum/rhenanus | Bullhead | Validated | SYL143 |
Crocidura leucodon | Bicolored shrew | In development | – |
Cylindrospermopsine gene cluster | Cylindrospermopsine gene cluster | Validated | SYL124 |
Dreissena bugensis | Quagga mussel | In development | – |
Enterococcus | Enterococcus | Validated | SYL156 |
Epidalea calamita | Natterjack toad | Validated | SYL106 |
Escherichia coli | Escherichia coli | Validated | SYL134 |
Esox lucius | Northern pike | In development | – |
Gymnocephalus cernuus | Ruffe | In development | – |
Hyla arborea | European tree frog | Validated | SYL150 |
Ichthyosaura alpestris | Alpine newt | Validated | SYL166 |
Lampetra fluviatilis | European river lamprey | In development | – |
Lepomis gibbosus | Pumpkinseed | Validated | SYL101 |
Leuciscus idus | Ide | In development | – |
Leuciscus leuciscus | Common dace | In development | – |
Lissotriton vulgaris | Smooth newt | Validated | SYL149 |
Lota lota | Burbot | Validated | SYL115 |
Lutra lutra | Eurasian otter | In development | – |
Microcystine toxine gene cluster | Microcystine toxine gene cluster | Validated | SYL102 |
Misgurnus fossilis | European weatherfish | Validated | SYL159 |
Myocastor coypus | Nutria | In development | – |
Natrix helvetica | Barred grass snake | In development | – |
Natrix maura | Viperine snake | Validated | SYL127 |
Natrix natrix | Grass snake | In development | – |
Neomys fodiens | Eurasian water shrew | Validated | SYL116 |
Ondatra zibethicus | Muskrat | Validated | SYL119 |
Pathogenic Leptospira | Pathogenic Leptospira | Validated | SYL131 |
Pelobatus fuscus | common spadefoot | Validated | SYL103 |
Perca fluviatilis | European perch | In development | – |
Pimephales promelas | Fathead minnow | In development | – |
Pseudorasbora parva | Stone moroko | In development | – |
Pungitius pungitius | Ninespine stickleback | In development | – |
Rana arvalis | Moor frog | Validated | SYL104 |
Rhodeus amarus | European bitterling | In development | SYL115 |
Rutilus rutilus | Common roach | Validated | SYL139 |
Salamandra salamandra | Fire salamander | In development | – |
Salmo salar | Atlantic salmon | In development | – |
Salmo trutta | Trout | In development | – |
Scardinius erythrophthalmus | Common rudd | In development | – |
Silurus glanis | Wels catfish | In development | – |
Squalius cephalus | European chub | In development | – |
Thaumetopoea processionea | Oak processionary | Validated | SYL110 |
Tinca tinca | Tench | In development | – |
Trachemys scripta | Pond slider | In development | – |
Trichobilharzia sp. | Swimmer’s itch | Validated | SYL108 |
Triturus cristatus | Northern crested newt | Validated | SYL114 |
Species-specific eDNA qPCR assays offered by Sylphium molecular ecology. Is there an interesting species missing from the list. Please contact us.
In addition to offering these tests in our own service lab, we now also offer many of these tests as kits. These eDNA analyses can then be performed at our own lab set up for eDNA analyses. Sylphium molecular ecology provides support and courses for setting up your own eDNA lab.